Monday, August 10, 2009

So Shoot Me. Jeez.

Apparently it's a sin not to love Radiohead. Yeah there good, but really? OK they are good. I admit it. They have something that tends to resonate with you. But give me a good dose of Black Keys any day, and I'll be more than satisfied. They happen to be my favorite band at the moment. Simply brilliant. And if for some reason you haven't heard them, please do so now. I'm pretty convinced that both Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney are robots. Haven't found a bad song by them yet. Not even mediocre comes into play with these guys. Just awesome. Even their covers are good. I can go on and on about the Keys, but for now I have TV On The Radio in my ears and my ADD is taking over. Good stuff there. In fact, good enough to sit through Rachel Getting Married to see Tunde sing some Neil Young. Movie sucked but it was worth it. (Here's that clip so you don't have to sit through it too)And David Sitek? Pretty sure he's awesome and I haven't even met the guy.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is is that there are great bands out there for you to enjoy. Some greater than others, but it's your choice to like who you like. That's the beauty of it all. You may have heard them from the bar down the road, myspace, or one of them fancy music sites that write about music, or maybe even...I was gonna say MTV, but they haven't played videos or music since Bon Jovi was still gettin heavy rotation. Sad really. Anyway...commercials will strike a band you like. It doesn't matter. So don't try to argue with me that Radiohead is the best band ever and nothing will ever come close. For me they're not. So if you do come across a good band, share it with as many people as you can. Share it with me and I can tell all the 2 people that read this. Don't hide it for yourself so you can say "I've been listeneing to this band for awhile now." Awseome for you! Thanks for sharin', DICK! Jeez. And it's ok to like a band you hear on the radio. Yeah I like Christina Aguilera and it's not even a guilty pleasure. But I also like Band of Horses. I also like Elbow. It doesn't matter to me how I heard of them or where I heard them. If it sounds good and I like it, it's cool with me. Good music is good music, regardless. So shoot me for not loving Radiohead, obsessing over the Black Keys, appraising TV On The Radio and admitting to liking Christina Aguilera. I'm guilty of it all and I'm perfectly happy with that.

Here's a few songs to leave you with. Enjoy.
Vampire Weekend - Exit Music (For a Film) Right click to download
Because I actually like this version better than the original. Take that Radiohead fans.

The Black Keys - Set You Free Right click to download
Add it to the list of AWESOME with every other Black Keys song. Seriously, I'm a nerd for Black Keys.

TV On The Radio - Ambulance Right click to download
This is an older track, but it's a fun one. I feel like I'm on Sesame Street for some reason. Anyone else get that feeling?

Band of Horses - Is There A Ghost Right click to download
I'm addicted to this song right now.

Elbow - Grounds for Divorce Right click to download
From a little town called Manchester is where these guys are from. Great sound. Great band. Give it a listen.

Christina Aguilera - At Last Right click to download
She's no Etta James, but she's got a set a pipes for only weighing 100 lbs. This cover gives you an idea of what she can do.

Laters Alligators.
PS - Thanks to anyone's links I used. I appreciate it.


  1. 3 things:

    1. How shitty was that movie?
    2. Dan Auerbach is my future life partner.
    3. Rad how you can just post songs!

  2. I am a dancer and constantly looking for good music to choreograph to that is out of the ordinary! Thanks for giving me a whole list of song possibilities!

    The Black Keys song was really good! I have never heard of them but I really liked it!

    "Funeral" by Band of Horses is also very good! I love it and have listened to it probably 100 times in the past few months!

    I recently came across "Grounds for Divorce" after hearing it on the preview for the new season of "House." I love the sound of the vocals and the beat is very inspiring choreographically!

    I love Christina's version of "At Last"! Her vocals are ridiculous! I also found another verison I liked by Eva Cassidy! She also has a good version of "Ain't No Sunshine!"

    Thanks for blogging good music! It is hard to find!
